Facial Balancing IN ORLÉANS, OTTAWA

Facial Balancing in Ottawa, ON

“Facial Balancing” is an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment. It combines aesthetic sensibility, anatomical knowledge, and artistic vision to deliver a natural-looking, rejuvenated appearance.

The treatment is tailored to each person’s unique facial features and goals, eliminating the ‘cookie-cutter’ approach. The results are immediately noticeable, the procedure is simple, recovery time is minimal, and costs are generally lower compared to surgical alternatives.

Areas Treated With Facial Balancing.

We assess the entire face before any treatment and create a treatment plan with realistic expectations to bring out the unique beauty of each patient.


Dermal filler gets absorbed by the body over time. Like all dermal filler treatments, the exact length of time dermal fillers last on the area injected, the type of dermal filler used, and your metabolism.On average, the results last between 12-18 months.

The effects of the fillers will wear off after months or years, but the treated area is likely to return to its original state. The benefits of fillers will be gone and you’ll notice that those lines and volume loss will come back.

If you’re looking for a dermal filler to combat signs of aging, your mid-20s is often a good time to start. Your body starts to lose bone and collagen around age 26, so it’s a good time to begin maintenance injections. By starting early, you’ll use require less product than if you wait until your mid-50s.

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